Арьс арчилгааны 7 үр дүнтэй орцууд

Хэдий бид тэдэнгүй амьдарч чадах ч тэдэнтэй бол бидний амьдрал илүү сайхан. Эдгээр орцууд ямар ид шидтэй талаар танилцуулъя.

Пептидын молекулууд нь аминохүчлүүдээс бүрддэг бөгөөд коллаген болон эластины ялгарлыг эрчимжүүлдэг. Харин эдгээр бодисууд нь арьсны уян хатан болон залуу байдлыг дэмждэг. Пептидүүд мөн үрчлээний эсрэг үйлчилгээтэй гэдэг нь батлагдсан тул хэрэв та үрчлээтэй найдвартай тэмцэхийг хүсэж байвал тэд нэн чухал шаардлагатай.

Ямар бүтээгдэхүүнд орсон бэ? NovAge Ecollagen Wrinkle Power иж бүрэн арчилгаа

Альфа-гидрохүчлүүд нь арьсны хамгийн дээд давхаргын эсүүд хоорондын холбоосыг саармагжуулснаар арьсыг зөөлөн гуужуулдаг. Альфа-гидрохүчлүүдтэй бүтээгдэхүүнүүдийг чухал үйл явдлаасаа хэдэн хоногийн өмнө хэрэглэвэл таны арьс нөхөн сэргэж эрүүл гялбаатай харагдана.

Ямар бүтээгдэхүүнд орсон бэ? NovAge нүүрний арьсыг шинэчлэгч гүн гуужуулагч

Бета-гидрохүчлүүд нь нүүрстөрөгчийн нэмэлт бүлэг агуулдаг тул тосонд илүү сайн уусдаг бөгөөд арьсны гүнд нэвтрэх чадвар нь Альфа-гидрохүчлүүдээс өндөр юм. Энэ бүлгийн хамгийн түгээмэл хүчил нь салицилын хүчил бөгөөд нүх сүвийг цэвэрлэж хар батга гарахаас сэргийлдэг.

Ямар бүтээгдэхүүнд орсон бэ? NovAge нүүрний арьсыг шинэчлэгч гүн гуужуулагч

Ниацинамид бол арьсыг нөхөн сэргээж эсийн солилцоог эрчимжүүлдэг усанд уусдаг B3 аминдэм юм. Түүнээс гадна тэрээр арьсны төрөлхийн хамгаалагч давхаргыг бэхжүүлж меланины ялгарлыг багасгаНиацинамид бол арьсыг нөхөн сэргээж эсийн солилцоог эрчимжүүлдэг усанд уусдаг B3 аминдэм юм. Түүнээс гадна тэрээр арьсны төрөлхийн хамгаалагч давхаргыг бэхжүүлж меланины ялгарлыг багасгадаг тул улайлтын эсрэг өндөр үр дүнтэй орц юм.даг тул улайлтын эсрэг өндөр үр дүнтэй орц юм. 

Ямар бүтээгдэхүүнд орсон бэ?NovAge улайлтын эсрэг нөлөөтэй нүүрний тос

Ургамлын гаралтай эрчимтэй антиоксидант, чөлөөт радикалуудын сөрөг нөлөөнөөс хамгаалж, меланины ялгарлыг удаашруулж, коллагены боловсруулалтыг эрчимжүүлдэг. Таны арьс өнгөө алдсан, эрчимтэй нөхөн сэргээх шаардлагатай бол C аминдэмтэй бүтээгдэхүүнүүдийг сонгоорой.

Ямар бүтээгдэхүүнд орсон бэ? NovAge арьсыг нөхөн сэргээх үйлчилгээтэй даавуун маск

Гликолийн хүчил нь байгальд усан үзэс ба элсэн чихрийн нишингэд агуулагддаг. Бусад альфа-гидрохүчлүүдээс ялгаатай нь молекулын масс болон хүчиллэгийн түвшин бага тул арьсанд илүү гүн нэвтрэх, батга, үрэвсэлтэй тэмцэхэд тусалдаг. Үр дүнд нь таны арьс цайрч, арьсны өнгө жигд болох болно.

Ямар бүтээгдэхүүнд орсон бэ? NovAge арьсыг шинэчлэх үйлчилгээтэй хоёр алхамтай гүн гуужуулагч

Гиалуроны хүчил нь арьсны гүнд боловсруулагддаг бодис боловч нас ахих тусам түүний хэмжээ багассаар байдаг. Энэ хүчил нь өөрийн жингээсээ 1000 дахин илүү жинтэй чийгийг шингээж авдаг. Мөн арьсыг эрчимтэй чийгшүүлж толийлгогч бодис бөгөөд арьсны төрөлхийн хамгаалагч давхарга үүсэхэд тусалдаг юм.

Ямар бүтээгдэхүүнд орсон бэ? NovAge Ecollagen Wrinkle Power үрчлээний эсрэг нүүрний бэлдмэл

Peptides can help to increase collagen production in the skin. They are made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins – basically what your skin is mainly made of! Peptides are often found in anti-ageing products and are your go-to if you want to smooth out wrinkles and keep your skin looking young.

AHA - Alpha Hydroxy Acid 
Alpha Hydroxy Acids are chemical exfoliants that can be found naturally in things like fruit and milk, that help to loosen dead skin cells to reveal the fresh new skin underneath. Use AHA’s a few days before a big event to make your skin look fresh and glowing.

Niacinamide is the active for of vitamin B3. Often found in serums and masks, it can help reduce redness, strengthen the skin barrier and reduce melanin production, which means it can also help reduce pigmentation.

BHA - Beta Hydroxy Acid 
Beta Hydroxy Acids are chemical exfoliants. The most well-known BHA is salicylic acid. It helps to remove dead skin cells, prevent blackhead formation, clean out pores and improve texture and smoothness. It works to clean inside the pore (in contrast to AHA which primarily work on the skin’s surface) and has skin calming properties.

Vitamin C 
You may know it as the cure-all for all minor winter ailments, but it also works wonders on the skin. It’s a powerful antioxidant found in fruits and vegetables and is used in skin care to help brighten the skin and reduce dark spots and signs of ageing.

Glycolic Acid 
Glycolic Acid is an AHA, and what’s so great about it is that it not only exfoliates to help smooths out fine lines and uneven texture, but also helps hydrate the skin.

Hyaluronic Acid 
If you haven’t been heard of Hyaluronic acid by now, you’re missing out on some serious hydration. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance already found in the human body and can hold up to 1000 times its own weight in water, and when massaged into your skin – makes it feel super moisturised and dewy.

Peptides can help to increase collagen production in the skin. They are made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins – basically what your skin is mainly made of! Peptides are often found in anti-ageing products and are your go-to if you want to smooth out wrinkles and keep your skin looking young.

AHA - Alpha Hydroxy Acid 
Alpha Hydroxy Acids are chemical exfoliants that can be found naturally in things like fruit and milk, that help to loosen dead skin cells to reveal the fresh new skin underneath. Use AHA’s a few days before a big event to make your skin look fresh and glowing.

Niacinamide is the active for of vitamin B3. Often found in serums and masks, it can help reduce redness, strengthen the skin barrier and reduce melanin production, which means it can also help reduce pigmentation.

BHA - Beta Hydroxy Acid 
Beta Hydroxy Acids are chemical exfoliants. The most well-known BHA is salicylic acid. It helps to remove dead skin cells, prevent blackhead formation, clean out pores and improve texture and smoothness. It works to clean inside the pore (in contrast to AHA which primarily work on the skin’s surface) and has skin calming properties.

Vitamin C 
You may know it as the cure-all for all minor winter ailments, but it also works wonders on the skin. It’s a powerful antioxidant found in fruits and vegetables and is used in skin care to help brighten the skin and reduce dark spots and signs of ageing.

Glycolic Acid 
Glycolic Acid is an AHA, and what’s so great about it is that it not only exfoliates to help smooths out fine lines and uneven texture, but also helps hydrate the skin.

Hyaluronic Acid 
If you haven’t been heard of Hyaluronic acid by now, you’re missing out on some serious hydration. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance already found in the human body and can hold up to 1000 times its own weight in water, and when massaged into your skin – makes it feel super moisturised and dewy.

Peptides can help to increase collagen production in the skin. They are made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins – basically what your skin is mainly made of! Peptides are often found in anti-ageing products and are your go-to if you want to smooth out wrinkles and keep your skin looking young.

AHA - Alpha Hydroxy Acid 
Alpha Hydroxy Acids are chemical exfoliants that can be found naturally in things like fruit and milk, that help to loosen dead skin cells to reveal the fresh new skin underneath. Use AHA’s a few days before a big event to make your skin look fresh and glowing.

Niacinamide is the active for of vitamin B3. Often found in serums and masks, it can help reduce redness, strengthen the skin barrier and reduce melanin production, which means it can also help reduce pigmentation.

BHA - Beta Hydroxy Acid 
Beta Hydroxy Acids are chemical exfoliants. The most well-known BHA is salicylic acid. It helps to remove dead skin cells, prevent blackhead formation, clean out pores and improve texture and smoothness. It works to clean inside the pore (in contrast to AHA which primarily work on the skin’s surface) and has skin calming properties.

Vitamin C 
You may know it as the cure-all for all minor winter ailments, but it also works wonders on the skin. It’s a powerful antioxidant found in fruits and vegetables and is used in skin care to help brighten the skin and reduce dark spots and signs of ageing.

Glycolic Acid 
Glycolic Acid is an AHA, and what’s so great about it is that it not only exfoliates to help smooths out fine lines and uneven texture, but also helps hydrate the skin.

Hyaluronic Acid 
If you haven’t been heard of Hyaluronic acid by now, you’re missing out on some serious hydration. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance already found in the human body and can hold up to 1000 times its own weight in water, and when massaged into your skin – makes it feel super moisturised and dewy.

Peptides can help to increase collagen production in the skin. They are made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins – basically what your skin is mainly made of! Peptides are often found in anti-ageing products and are your go-to if you want to smooth out wrinkles and keep your skin looking young.

AHA - Alpha Hydroxy Acid 
Alpha Hydroxy Acids are chemical exfoliants that can be found naturally in things like fruit and milk, that help to loosen dead skin cells to reveal the fresh new skin underneath. Use AHA’s a few days before a big event to make your skin look fresh and glowing.

Niacinamide is the active for of vitamin B3. Often found in serums and masks, it can help reduce redness, strengthen the skin barrier and reduce melanin production, which means it can also help reduce pigmentation.

BHA - Beta Hydroxy Acid 
Beta Hydroxy Acids are chemical exfoliants. The most well-known BHA is salicylic acid. It helps to remove dead skin cells, prevent blackhead formation, clean out pores and improve texture and smoothness. It works to clean inside the pore (in contrast to AHA which primarily work on the skin’s surface) and has skin calming properties.

Vitamin C 
You may know it as the cure-all for all minor winter ailments, but it also works wonders on the skin. It’s a powerful antioxidant found in fruits and vegetables and is used in skin care to help brighten the skin and reduce dark spots and signs of ageing.

Glycolic Acid 
Glycolic Acid is an AHA, and what’s so great about it is that it not only exfoliates to help smooths out fine lines and uneven texture, but also helps hydrate the skin.

Hyaluronic Acid 
If you haven’t been heard of Hyaluronic acid by now, you’re missing out on some serious hydration. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance already found in the human body and can hold up to 1000 times its own weight in water, and when massaged into your skin – makes it feel super moisturised and dewy.

Peptides can help to increase collagen production in the skin. They are made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins – basically what your skin is mainly made of! Peptides are often found in anti-ageing products and are your go-to if you want to smooth out wrinkles and keep your skin looking young.

AHA - Alpha Hydroxy Acid 
Alpha Hydroxy Acids are chemical exfoliants that can be found naturally in things like fruit and milk, that help to loosen dead skin cells to reveal the fresh new skin underneath. Use AHA’s a few days before a big event to make your skin look fresh and glowing.

Niacinamide is the active for of vitamin B3. Often found in serums and masks, it can help reduce redness, strengthen the skin barrier and reduce melanin production, which means it can also help reduce pigmentation.

BHA - Beta Hydroxy Acid 
Beta Hydroxy Acids are chemical exfoliants. The most well-known BHA is salicylic acid. It helps to remove dead skin cells, prevent blackhead formation, clean out pores and improve texture and smoothness. It works to clean inside the pore (in contrast to AHA which primarily work on the skin’s surface) and has skin calming properties.

Vitamin C 
You may know it as the cure-all for all minor winter ailments, but it also works wonders on the skin. It’s a powerful antioxidant found in fruits and vegetables and is used in skin care to help brighten the skin and reduce dark spots and signs of ageing.

Glycolic Acid 
Glycolic Acid is an AHA, and what’s so great about it is that it not only exfoliates to help smooths out fine lines and uneven texture, but also helps hydrate the skin.

Hyaluronic Acid 
If you haven’t been heard of Hyaluronic acid by now, you’re missing out on some serious hydration. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance already found in the human body and can hold up to 1000 times its own weight in water, and when massaged into your skin – makes it feel super moisturised and dewy.

Зурвас: Зураг: Oriflame